Sight Word Matchup Skill: Reading one- and two-letter sight words Players: Whole class Object: To find the player with the matching sight word- and two-letter sight words Materials: 26 word cards: a, I, am, an, as, at, be, by, do, go, he, if, in, is, it, me, my, no, of, on, or, so, to, up, us, we
How to Play 1. Photocopy and cut apart enough word cards so that there are two cards for each word and each pair of players. 2. Mix up the cards. Distribute them randomly, one card to each player. Tell children not to look at their cards until you say “Go.” 3. When you say “Go,” players look at their cards and find a classmate with the same word. Once children pair up, have them spell out and then read their word together and sit down.
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